Interview with Peter Switzer and Russell Zimmerman, Money Sky News
Interview with Peter Switzer and Russell Zimmerman, Money, Sky News, August 4, 2015 Recently Tristan was on the Money Program, Sky News to discuss the 'retail state of play'. In this interview Tristan discussed the health of the retail sector with Russell Zimmerman of...
The Switzer Show: Tristan Kitchener
Tristan Kitchener joins the Switzer Show to discuss how Aldi, and soon Kaufland, affect the Australian retail landscape. Click here for the full interview (August 2018).
Planning Our Food Future – Amazon
Tristan Kitchener discusses retailing in Australia as Amazon enters the market at the Planning Our Food Future forum in Perth. November 2017.
Planning Our Food Future – Key Consumer Trends
Tristan Kitchener discusses key consumer trends at the Planning Our Food Future forum in Perth. November 2017.
Interview with Peter Switzer: Will Aussie retailers get lost in the Amazon?
Tristan Kitchener joins Switzer TV to discuss how much of a threat Amazon is to Australian retailers. Broadcast 26th July 2017.
Interview with Peter Switzer: How worried should we be about Amazon?
Tristan Kitchener joins Switzer TV to discuss what could be ahead for the retail industry in Australia. Broadcast 5th May 2017.
The arrival of Amazon
By Tristan Kitchener 27 March | 2017 Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, says that the reason Amazon is successful is that for the last 20 years they’ve had three big ideas that they’ve stuck with: ‘put the customer first, invent and be patient’. However, if you’re...
The biggest risk to Coles and Woolworths
The biggest risk to Coles and Woolworths By Tristan Kitchener What’s the biggest risk to Coles and Woolworths? Answer: Coles and Woolworths! That might sound strange but Australia is teetering on the edge of a supermarket price war as both Coles and Woolworths choose...
Kitchener Partners : Retail Management Consultants
Kitchener Partners is a management consulting and advisory firm. Kitchener Partners is owned by Tristan Kitchener, and is focused upon the Fast- Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. Tristan is a subject matter expert in the area of grocery retailing, and provides...
Western Australian growers advised to prepare ahead of Aldi entering the market in 2016. AUDIO: Hear Tristan Kitchener talk about the arrival of Aldi in WA next year (ABC Rural)
Western Australian growers advised to prepare ahead of Aldi entering the market in 2016
A global grocery consultant is urging Western Australian growers to prepare for serious change in the state's retail space, with the entry of discount supermarket chain Aldi expected in 2016. AUDIO: Hear Tristan Kitchener talk about the arrival of Aldi in WA next year...
Interview with Peter Switzer, Money Sky News
Interview with Peter Switzer, Money Sky News Recently I was interviewed on Sky News about the current retail market. (Broadcast Wednesday 30 September 2015.)