Kitchener Partners is a management consulting and advisory firm. Kitchener Partners is owned by Tristan Kitchener, and is focused upon the Fast- Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. Tristan is a subject matter expert in the area of grocery retailing, and provides advice and support along the grocery value chain, from retailers through to manufacturers and growers. Tristan has a focus upon fresh foods and particularly fresh produce.
Recent Posts
- Quality opportunities from larger season crop
- Is Coles becoming Metcash 2.0?
- How the Germans are winning the supermarket war
- The Switzer Show: Tristan Kitchener
- Planning Our Food Future – Amazon
- Planning Our Food Future – Key Consumer Trends
- Interview with Peter Switzer: Will Aussie retailers get lost in the Amazon?
- Interview with Peter Switzer: How worried should we be about Amazon?
- The arrival of Amazon
- The biggest risk to Coles and Woolworths
- Kitchener Partners : Retail Management Consultants
- ABC Radio Interview:The arrival of Aldi in WA next year
- Western Australian growers advised to prepare ahead of Aldi entering the market in 2016
- Interview with Peter Switzer, Money Sky News
- Interview with Peter Switzer and Russell Zimmerman, Money Sky News